The US knew the weakness of the S-300 belongs to Iran

US military officials (US) said the latest defense systems S-300 belongs to the Iranian easily penetrated. The system will not prevent the US to attack Iran's nuclear facilities in Tehran.

"We know the potential of the system will be sold to Iran in recent years and it has been included in our plans," said Gen. Martin Dempsey, the leader of the joint staff, as reported by AFP on Friday (04/17/2015).

During this time, the US military does not rule out going to attack Iran if diplomacy fails facilities. Dempsey said the military option will not be disturbed by the Russian decision to supply Iran with advanced S-300 equipment.

"The military option that I have to offer to the president is to encourage a diplomatic solution and if diplomacy fails to ensure that Iran's nuclear program did not reach an agreement," added Dempsey.

Although S-300 can increase Iran's military air defense system, the experts believe that the missile system can match the sophistication walkin US fighter F-22.
